Grupo La Zenia

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide Gino and Marc: Villamartin – Vistabella – Jacarilla – Benejuzar – Redovan - La Murada - Abanilla - Coffeestop Abanilla Square  – zurück RM 414 Santomera - through Orange Groves - left direction to Orihuela – Bigastro - Jacarilla – Vistabella – San Miguel - Kanal Villamartin. (ca. 110km)

Group 2 (30-33km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33-39 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!

Villamartin – Vistabella – Jacarilla – Benejuzar – Redovan - La Murada - Abanilla - Coffeestop Abanilla Square  – zurück RM 414 Santomera - through Orange Groves - left direction to Orihuela – Bigastro - Jacarilla – Vistabella – San Miguel - Kanal Villamartin. (ca. 110km)

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu:

Villamartin – Vistabella – Jacarilla – Orihuela – La Matanza – return via Santomera – Arneva - Hurchillo– Bigastro -– Vistabella – San Miguel - Kanal Villamartin. (ca. 105km)

Event Date 01.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 01.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide: Gino and Marc: Villamartin, Rebate, Torremendo, Estacion, Cabezo de la Plata, Sucina - Coffeebreak  - then over Avilesses, the RMF 48 to El Mirador, Pilar de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras, Villamartin. (Ca. 100km)
Group 2 (30-33km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!!:  Villamartin, Rebate, Torremendo, Estacion, Cabezo de la Plata, Sucina - Coffeebreak  - then over Avilesses, the RMF 48 to El Mirador, Pilar de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras, Villamartin. (Ca. 100km)
Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu (Grupo La Zenia): Villamartin, Vistabella, Bigastro, Zeneta, Torreagüera, El Garruchal, La Tercia - Kaffeepause - Avilesses, El Mirador, Pilar de la Horadada, Villamartin. (ca. 100km)

Event Date 03.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 03.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide Gino and Marc: Villamartin, San Miguel, CV 940 Benijofar, direction to Café Ursula after a few meters take the street to Marina-Oasis on the CV 853 left and at the roundabout turn right to CV 851 direction St. Pola til ViaVial en Urb. towards Valverde - Coffebreak – and backwards take the same way to Los Montesinos, Lemongroves and back to Villamartin. Group 1 can reservate the tables already for the next group J (ca. 110km)
Group 2 (29-32km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!!:  Villamartin, San Miguel, CV 940 Benijofar, direction to Café Ursula after a few meters take the street to Marina-Oasis on the CV 853 left and at the roundabout turn right to CV 851 direction St. Pola til ViaVial en Urb. towards Valverde - Coffebreak – and backwards take the same way to Los Montesinos, Lemongroves and back to Villamartin. Group 2 can reservate the tables already for the next group J J (ca. 110km)
Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu (Grupo La Zenia): Villamartin, San Miguel, CV 940 Benijofar, direction to Café Ursula, direction Elche CV 855 on the Mainroad at the roundabout right EL20, 3 roundabouts straight and the 4th roundabout right towards Valverde,  - Coffebreak – and backwards towards St. Pola, Café Ursula, La Marina, San Flugencio, Benijofar, Los Montesinos, Lemongroves and back to Villamartin. J (ca. 110km)

Event Date 06.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 06.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide Gino and Marc: Villamartin,San Miguel right to Los Montesinos, Quesada, Direction Benijofar, Rojales, Guardamar, San Flugencio, Dolores -Coffestop- Rafal, Callosa de Segura, Orihuela, Bighastro, Vistabella, right Embalse de Pedrera, Torremendo, Rebate, San Miguel, Villamartin. (ca. 110km)

Group 2 (29-32km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!!:Villamartin, San Miguel right to Los Montesinos, Quesada, Direction Benijofar, Algorfa, Jaquarilla – Coffeestop – Hurchillo, Lake, Vistabella, San Miguel, Villamartin. (90km)

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu:Villamartin, San Miguel right to Los Montesinos, Quesada, Direction Benijofar, Algorfa, Jaquarilla – Coffeestop – Hurchillo, Lake, Vistabella, San Miguel, Villamartin. (90km)

Event Date 08.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 08.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 10:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide: Gino and Marc: Canal to direction Pilar de la Horadada, Left CV941 (Las Colinas) Mil Palmeras, Pilar de la Horadada back to Canal. Island right RM-F25 to Lo Romero on to RM-F24, Left on CV925 Campoverde, left to Torremendo, Hurchillo, Right to Bigastro CV920, Jacarilla, Benejuzar - Coffee Stop Algorfa - Through Benijofar at Island (Quesada) on to canal to Los Montesinos, Left CV943, Right through Lemon grows to San Miguel and Canal home. (ca. 97km)

Group 2 (29-32km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!!: Canal to San Miguel, Vistabella around the lake and towards Torreaguera, direction Murcia and up Cresta del Gallo, down from Cresta towards Arneva and Bigastro, then up Jacarilla and home through Vista Bella and San Miguel and the Canal.

Approximately 118km

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu (Grupo La Zenia):  Canal to direction Pilar de la Horadada, Left CV941 (Las Colinas) Mil Palmeras, Pilar de la Horadada back to Canal. Island right RM-F25 to Lo Romero on to RM-F24, Left on CV925 Campoverde, left to Torremendo, Hurchillo, Right to Bigastro CV920, Jacarilla, Benejuzar - Coffee Stop Algorfa - Through Benijofar at Island (Quesada) on to canal to Los Montesinos, Left CV943, Right through Lemon grows to San Miguel and Canal home. (ca. 97km)

Event Date 10.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 10.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide: Gino and Marc: Villamartin, Vistabella, Hurchillo, Bighastro, Algorfa, Benijofar, San Flugencio and behind the Highwayexit towards Guardamar Harbour – Coffeebreak at the Harbour – back towards El Eden, Quesada, La Marquesa, Lemon groves, San Miguel back to Villamartin. (ca. 100km)

Group 2 (30-33km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!!:   Villamartin, Vistabella, Hurchillo, Bighastro, Algorfa, Benijofar, San Flugencio and behind the Highwayexit towards Guardamar Harbour – Coffeebreak at the Harbour – back towards El Eden, Quesada, La Marquesa, Lemon groves, San Miguel back to Villamartin. (ca. 100km)

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu:Villamartin, San Miguel, CV 940 Benijofar pass Greenland – big roundabout then direction through Benijofar to Elche then left through the  Nationalpark, San Felipe Neri, Catral – Coffebreak- Dolores, San Flugencio, Benijofar, Quesada roundabout, through the field towards Los Montesinos after this keep the camino through th lemontrees back to Villamartin. (100km)

Event Date 13.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 13.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide: Gino and Marc:Villamartin, Bighastro, Hurchillo, unter den Röhren, dann durch die Orangenplantagen und Richtung Abanilla – nach den grossen Röhren rechts in die Felder nach Siete Casas – am Ende vom Dorf (Parroquia De La Matanza ) ca. 200m hinter der Kirche, linke Seite ist ein Restaurant – hier Kaffeepause – zurück über Albatera, Rafal, Jacarilla, San Miguel und Canal Villamartin.

Group 2 (29-32km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!: Villamartin, Bighastro, Hurchillo, unter den Röhren, dann durch die Orangenplantagen und Richtung Abanilla – nach den grossen Röhren rechts in die Felder nach Siete Casas – am Ende vom Dorf (Parroquia De La Matanza ) ca. 200m hinter der Kirche, linke Seite ist ein Restaurant – hier Kaffeepause – zurück über Albatera, Rafal, Jacarilla, San Miguel und Canal Villamartin.

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu: Villamartin, Bighastro, Hurchillo, unter den Röhren, dann durch die Orangenplantagen und Richtung Abanilla – nach den grossen Röhren rechts in die Felder nach Siete Casas – am Ende vom Dorf (Parroquia De La Matanza ) ca. 200m hinter der Kirche, linke Seite ist ein Restaurant – hier Kaffeepause – zurück über Albatera, Rafal, Jacarilla, San Miguel und Canal Villamartin.

Event Date 15.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 15.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide: at the moment without guide (they don’t wait):Villamartin, Rebate, Torremendo, Hurchillo, Zeneta, Torreagüera, El Garruchal, La Tercia - Kaffeepause - Avilesses, El Mirador, Kanal, Pilar de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras, Villamartin. (ca. 110km)

Group 2 (29-32km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!!: Villamartin, Rebate, Torremendo, Hurchillo, Zeneta, Torreagüera, El Garruchal, La Tercia - Kaffeepause - Avilesses, El Mirador, Kanal, Pilar de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras, Villamartin. (ca. 110km)

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu (Grupo La Zenia): Villamartin, Rebate, Torremendo, Estacion, Cabezo de la Plata, Sucina - Coffeebreak  - then over Avilesses, the RMF 48 to El Mirador, Pilar de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras, Villamartin. (Ca. 100km)

Event Date 17.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 17.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide at Gino and Marc: Villamartin, San Miguel, CV 940 Benijofar pass Greenland – big roundabout then direction through Benijofar to Elche then left through the  Nationalpark, San Felipe Neri, Catral – Coffebreak- Dolores, San Flugencio, Benijofar, Quesada roundabout, through the field towards Los Montesinos after this keep the camino through th lemontrees back to Villamartin. (100km)

Group 2 (29-32km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33/34/35 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!!!: Villamartin, San Miguel, CV 940 Benijofar pass Greenland – big roundabout then direction through Benijofar to Elche then left through the  Nationalpark, San Felipe Neri, Catral – Coffebreak- Dolores, San Flugencio, Benijofar, Quesada roundabout, through the field towards Los Montesinos after this keep the camino through th lemontrees back to Villamartin. (100km)

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu: Villamartin, Vistabella, Bighastro, Algorfa, Benijofar, San Flugencio and behind the Highwayexit towards Guardamar Harbour – Coffeebreak at the Café befor Guardamar on the main road – back towards El Eden, Quesada, La Marquesa, Lemon groves, San Miguel back to Villamartin. (ca. 90km)

Event Date 20.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 20.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Group 1 (30-35km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start first!! Guide Gino and Marc: Villamartin – Vistabella – Jacarilla – Orihuela – La Matanza – Frotuna - return via Santomera – Arneva - Hurchillo– Bigastro -– Vistabella – San Miguel - Kanal Villamartin. (ca. 105km)

Group 2 (30-33km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start second!! Guide Tom and friends: New try for Group 2!!! Hills = same wats, but riding slower, on the flat 33-39 km/h depending on the wind - be a team!!! Villamartin – Vistabella – Jacarilla – Orihuela – La Matanza -Fortuna – return via Santomera – Arneva - Hurchillo– Bigastro -– Vistabella – San Miguel - Kanal Villamartin. (ca. 105km)

Group 3 (26-30km/h) Meeting at 09:00h at the canal!! They start third!! Guide Andy and Manu: Villamartin – Vistabella – Jacarilla – Benejuzar – Redovan - La Murada - Abanilla - Coffeestop Abanilla Square  – zurück RM 414 Santomera - through Orange Groves - left direction to Orihuela – Bigastro - Jacarilla – Vistabella – San Miguel - Kanal Villamartin. (ca. 110km)

Event Date 22.09.2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 22.09.2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free